Happy Anniversary!
Wow! Another September is here already!

It's that time of year when we think of
Back to school,
That favorite sweater,
Pumpkin spice flavored Everything!
Annnd (drumroll, please)-
The Anniversary of 1033 Main Salon & Boutique!
That's right! 1033 Main Salon & Boutique first opened the doors on September 7, 2010.
We've been through some changes since then.
But at it's heart, 1033 Main remains the place to come to for your style and beauty needs, some heart to heart bonding, and general fun and nonsense too!
I love that Anniversary comes at this time of year.
After the busy-ness of summer and before we all start counting our general blessings a little deeper into the fall.
This is a time for me to focus my gratitude and appreciation on you and on your support, which has carried my dreams forward and brought delight to my days for another year.
You may have subscribed to my newsletter and followed this blog, You may have joined me on instagram, youtube, and facebook.
I thank you.
You may have made an appointment and come in for services. You may have made purchases in the Boutique.
I thank you.
You may have told your friends and family that they just Have to come in to 1033 Main. You may have given them a gift certificate to make sure they do.
I thank you.
There are so very many ways that you have welcomed me into your life and supported the success of my dreams for 1033 Main Salon & Boutique. I am sure I can't name them all.
But I am equally sure that
I Thank You From The Deepest, Most Sincere Bottom Of My Heart.